Wedding Blog
Five of the best Yarra Valley wedding venues
The Yarra Valley is undoubtedly one of the best locations in Victoria. So, I must admit, I might be a little biased! I have lived out this way for most of my life. The Yarra Valley is practically in my backyard, it's safe to say, I know this area very well. If you're...
5 tips for an amazing wedding ceremony – regardless of how many guests you are able to have at the time
Right now in sunny Melbourne it feels like we’re stuck on a 12 hour long haul budget flight - with 4 hours still to go. Well, don’t we all wish we were heading to an amazing destination on a long haul flight? But we’re still in lockdown. And there are no weddings in...
How to find a great Melbourne marriage celebrant?
With 10 years of photographing weddings in Melbourne and the Yarra Valley under his belt, Simon Woodcock of Wedding Snapper has attended countless civil and religious marriage ceremonies, varying in size from one guest through to...
Do we receive a marriage certificate?
Yes, you do receive a marriage certificate on your wedding day. It's officially called the "presentation certificate". It looks a little fancy and it's printed with your celebrant's name, location of your wedding, your full names, and the date of your wedding....
Six Top Wedding Invitation Tips
A wedding invitation or a “save the date” is your guests first impression of your wedding day. It sets the tone, creates excitement and provides anticipation for your big day. You want to encourage your guests to make a beeline to their calender and circle in your...
Looking back – Celebrating 10 years
"Time flies when you're having fun" - it's such a cliché isn't it, but nevertheless the perfect description! It's now been 10 years since I began marrying people in my fabulous role as a marriage celebrant. I knew that it was going to be a great job but I had no idea...
How to choose your wedding ceremony date and time
“Congratulations on your engagement – there are so many exciting times ahead – so, when’s the big day?” This is one of the most common questions people will ask you after you have announced to the world that you are tying the knot and planning your wedding. Once all...
What to ask your marriage celebrant?
"So what do you do for a job?" I'm not sure why it is but I have been asked this more regularly over the last week, most recently at the hairdresser on Friday. This is not an unusual question, it's one you often ask someone when you meet them for the first time. My...
Wedding Day Emotions – Laughter and Tears
Wedding Ceremonies are emotional! “I’m going to be an absolute mess”, “I always cry at weddings, how will I be at my own wedding?”, “There’s no way I will be able to get through my vows”. These are just a handful of comments that I hear from my wonderful couples as...
Wedding Ceremony Traditions – What to do?
It’s that time of year in Wedding Ceremony Planning World when couples should be sitting back and chillaxing. That is, if they are getting married towards the end of this year – 2015. The big ones have been booked – the date, the venue, the celebrant, perhaps the...
Wedding Ceremony Support Crew Gold
After months of planning and excitement your big day has finally arrived! Today is your wedding day and all the spreadsheets, supplier confirmations and lists are now done, it's time to get married! Here's my take home message for today...Designate a person who "knows...
How long is a wedding ceremony?
This is one of the most popular questions couples ask me as they begin their wedding ceremony planning. I'm sure we have all witnessed wedding ceremonies that feel like they go on FORever! And others, that seemingly passed by in a flash. Perhaps not because it lasted...